The Moments of Joy programme was a 3 year project taking dance and creative activities in care homes within Sheffield and nearby regions. The programme by SYHA and Age Friendly Sheffield
Nisha's reflection:
Walking into a new space with strangers and having no expectations is one of the things I love about being a creative practitioner. From the first session, I realised that I was with a group that had a love of music, dancing and conversation. I was excited about our future sessions. Our main theme was ‘Listen, Love, Laugh’ which was a piece of advice from my 70 year old neighbour who said to me, ‘You know about the 3 Ls? These are the most important things to do in your life.’ Another theme was ‘Inside Out / Outside In’ where we would bring something from the outside world into the sessions and bring the inside world of their thoughts and creativity out. We took journeys to other parts of the world, talked about the 3 L’s (to listen, love and laugh) and had conversations about how much nature meant to them all. Through these themes the individuals:
This material was then used to create short films which were shown to the group during the last session. I feel very lucky to have been able to spend time with an amazing group of welcoming, open-minded and kind-hearted individuals. Through these sessions, the individuals have also got to know each other better. It always made me smile when the room was still filled with conversation as I packed up at the end for the session, or people were still humming or singing the tunes they had heard in the session. After the last few turbulent years, we have had as a society, this project reinforced and was a reminder of the importance for us as creatives practitioners to prioritise human connection for wellbeing and creativity. Comments are closed.